What is Amazon Buy box? How to win Amazon Buy box?

Amazon Buy Box is an icon through which customers begin the purchasing process to buy products. Usually, a single product is offered by multiple sellers and these sellers compete to be in the Buy Box. Amazon selects one seller among the eligible sellers according to its algorithm criteria and grants them the Buy Box. It provides sellers to directly buy the product.
How To Win Buy Box?
Criteria Explanation How to Improve
Featured Merchant Status
  • Operate a Professional Seller Account and months of selling history, depending on the product category.
Landed Price
  • Total cost of an order including shipping and tax.
  • The lowest price will not guarantee you the Buy Box, especially if your overall performance metrics are poor, but it will improve your chances.
  • It’s important to research the competition before and during your listing and price your goods accordingly.
Customer Feedback Rating
  • The possible feedback rating and less negative feedbacks will make you eligible for buy box
  • Manage your feedback on dispatched orders and review all negative and neutral feedbacks.
  • Remind your buyers to give you reviews through emails which will improve the quality and quantity of your feedback.
  • Positive Feedback can increase your chance of winning the Buy Box.
  • Feedback Count, the total number of reviews is an important measure of your experience in Amazon’s eyes.
Shipping Time
  • The faster items are shipped, the better your chances of winning the Buy Box.
  • Make sure on-time delivery rate should be above 97 percent; late shipment rate less than 4 percent, and valid tracking rate to be at least 95 percent of all orders.
Customer Response Time
  • Amazon’s Service Level Agreement (SLA) requires sellers to respond to customer queries within 24 hours. Try to be responsive within that time frame
  • Timely responses reduce negative feedback and keep you on the right side of 24-hour response guidelines.
Fulfillment Method

  • With Fulfilment by Merchant (FBM), Fulfilment By Amazon (FBA) and Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) there are chances to win buy box.
  • For Eg: SFP is a program where approved merchants use Amazon to collect and deliver products. Benefits include 100 percent shipping metrics and the ability to sell to Prime Customers.